8056 Yonge St. North, L9S 1L6, Innisfil Ontario
+1 647-879-3300

TrafficGuard trusted by world leading advertisers

TrafficGuard’s real-time fraud prevention keeps your traffic clean, increases reach, and drives return on ad spend. The only fraud prevention solution offering protection across three levels – at the impression, click, and event levels. Each level creates a cumulative data loop, strengthening TrafficGuard’s machine learning algorithms.

Monetize Your Apps and Mobile Content by Partnering with the Largest Brands in the Industry

“Over 4 billion fraudulent transactions blocked and counting.”

No complex integrations, no high latency API calls. TrafficGuard provides comprehensive digital ad fraud detection, mitigation and reporting in one tool.

TrafficGuard for Agencies is designed to safeguard multiple clients. Manage all your clients and campaigns, onboard new partners, and monitor performance from a single portal.

Impression Level – sophisticated fraud detection starts at the impression level where it monitors traffic for signs of fraud and collects data to enable the earliest reliable fraud mitigation.

Click Level – blocks fraudulent and invalid clicks in real time based on a wide variety of indicators available at the click an impression. Ad stacking and bot traffic are just a few fraud tactics. TrafficGuard blocks at the click.

Event Level – For post-click conversions such as installs (CPI), sales (CPS), leads (CPL), etc., event data provides another opportunity to validate traffic. Validation of traffic in advance of attribution helps ensure consistency in valid traffic volumes between advertisers, supply sources, and intermediaries.

TrafficGuard blocks digital advertising fraud you can –


  • Spend less time interpreting reports – It has been designed to mitigate fraud and IVT in real-time. Spend less time reconciling invoices and trying to understand complex fraud reports, more time driving growth and optimising performance.
  • Optimise campaigns fast, with confidence – Fraud waits for no one, which is why reporting alone is not good enough. Blocking fraud in real-time means advertising campaigns are optimised in real-time, fuelling ROI. Clean performance data gives you the confidence to make optimization decisions that drive campaign success.
trafficguard fraud
  • Protect against known and unknown fraud tactics – Ad fraud is constantly mutating to avoid detection. TrafficGuard, and the boffins that train it, utilise machine learning fueled by big data to find and validate new fraud tactics as they emerge.

Make sure your advertising results in genuine advertising engagement. As well as blocking non-human traffic and fraud, TrafficGuard can also filter traffic that doesn’t meet your targeting criteria.

This ensures you only pay for advertising when it delivers you the audience you want.

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