8056 Yonge St. North, L9S 1L6, Innisfil Ontario
+1 647-879-3300

Adjust – Mobile Measurement and Fraud Prevention

Adjust is the industry leader in mobile measurement and fraud prevention. With Adjust, you can track all of your marketing channels and aggregate your conversion data for in-depth analysis, whether via click or impression.

Get Access To Our Proprietary Mobile Adverting Platform. Acquire Real Mobile Users Everytime

Understand your media performance across multiple advertising channels: track and attribute your incoming users to the sources they come from – in real time.

Adjust entered the Japanese market in 2014, with a new strategic partnership agency Adways.

Since then has seen tremendous growth – quickly rising to become the country’s industry leader for attribution services. The partnership includes the acquisition of Adways’ attribution analytics tool, PartyTrack.

You’ll always know exactly which ads delivered which users,

right down to the campaign creatives users see. Users are attributed a campaign as soon as they click on an Adjust tracker URL. With full device detection, smart fallbacks, and mobile-native store links, these short and easy-to-read URLs track any and all locations.

Comprehensive in-app analytics
Adjust gives you the tools you need for end-to-end app analysis. Discover what your users do in your app not just on a macro level, but in microscopic detail: thoroughly identify, dissect and leverage data trends, from a user’s

Adjust mobile measurement

initial download to their first purchase and beyond.

Mobile-focused KPIs & cohort analysis
You can enhance your KPI insight with Adjusts cohort analysis: segment your users by creative, install date, location, device type and more, and then discover and identify their behavioral patterns. Adjust analyzes each cohort member’s performance at the same time in a user’s lifespan, showing you exactly how and when the needle moves.

Adjust mobile user acquisition strategy handbook
Without active user acquisition, it’s incredibly difficult for businesses to find and convert new users and grow their app over time.

If you lack a strategy, you’re guessing at what’s effective, and potentially missing out on opportunities to experiment, optimize, and convert more users. Download the ebook, and unlock the basics of paid user acquisition with some approaches you can take to reach new users effectively.

Adjust and Mobile Fraud
Mobile fraud poses a serious problem for everyone in the mobile advertising industry, from publishers to measurement partners. Not only does it cause damage to workflows, and drain away revenue, but it also can damage your data, ruining potential strategies before they’ve even begun.

“I don’t think anyone really understands the amount of fraud you have until you activate it. I can’t imagine doing any media buying without it now.” Moshi Bloom, Viber

Monetize Your Apps and Mobile Content by Partnering with the Largest Brands in the Industry
