Have you ever wondered what the best way to work with an affiliate marketing agency was to get the best out of your marketing budget? Well … your in luck. Written by an Affiliate agency, we will give you the transparency on who we give offers out to and why!
Publisher Transparency: If you provide these 4 resources you will be in line for top converting direct offers that have salable potential.
Past Payment Screenshots
When your communicating with an affiliate marketing agency for the first time they are going to be skeptical. The question they are asking themselves is; how did you find us and how is your traffic.
Instead of going the route of having the Account Manager provide you with a list of offers to run that you didn’t have in mind for your next marketing campaigns just for the purpose for them to test your traffic … provide them with past payment screenshots.
These screenshots will tell your Account Manager a whole bunch of things. It will let them know that you’ve used your email address elsewhere and your contact information matches up. They will know that you have received a payment, instead of all of your traffic getting scrubbed. You will be able to show them your earning potential and what type of quality you are bringing to the table, if the company you are providing a screenshot for has a hard screening process.
AM References
As mentioned above the second question the affiliate manager is asking themselves is how is your traffic. By providing a past Account Manager as a reference allows your new AM to reach out to them and ask about your traffic quality. On the affiliate marketing agency side, AM’s are very transparent with one another as at the end of the day its about developing relationships
If you’ve had a great past history with a company, brought them quality traffic, were responsive and able to control your conversion rate, the AM is going to provide this information. A quality AM reference is going to put you next in line for getting better offers to help scale your budget
Offers Currently Running
This is one of the most important ones in our mind, especially if your able to pair the offers your currently running with a past payment screenshot. If you claim to be running an offer successfully in the past and are joining an affiliate marketing agency to get more cap or a higher payout, this is going to be a great advantage to running this offer quickly.
We at AdxMaster are all about getting you the offer that you need to scale your earnings. If we know you’ve run a specific offer in the past and need a higher payout, we will skip a lot of the on boarding steps and get you earning.
On the flip side, if we don’t currently have that offer but know you can run it, this is going to be much easier knowing your history for us to get it direct faster.
Traffic Sources
Disclosing how you are going to run these offers is crucial, many offers have required parameters that need to be passed back in order to run the offer. Also, most offers have restricted traffic sources that are allowed to be used to run the offer.
If your planning on running a specific vertical on a well established site where you are an leader in your niche or you are promoting an offer in an app; you will unlock the ability to run almost any offer.
Lets say you are going the route of social media/ppc or media buying, this is great as well as there are specific offers that convert very well using those methods that you will be first in line for
At AdxMaster Inc. our ultimate goal is to get you in our affiliate marketing agency and on the offers you want to run at the most competitive payout in the industry. By being transparent with us, we can get you there faster!