8056 Yonge St. North, L9S 1L6, Innisfil Ontario
+1 647-879-3300

Dating Offers

Flow: User Opens Page, Fills Out Information, Clicks Submit
dating offers

Looking to Monetize your Website and Email Traffic

Going the route of running a dating offer on your website or email blast can be a very successful way to generate income! On the flip side, running dating offers needs to be targeted to a social place where people would be open to joining. Understanding your traffic is very important when promoting this type of offer. Be sure your traffic is within the niche of the offer and you are targeting the appropriate geography. Your traffic to be successful will need to be open to joining new groups. Get Access To Our Dating Offers Today!



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dating offers

We provide direct & exclusive dating offers to monetize both your email and desktop traffic. These have:

  1. Stable Budget
  2. Highest Payout
  3. Ability To Scale
  4. WW GEO

How to Find the Right Dating Offer

Ask For:

Active Users


Top converting


Dating Offers

Best practices for working with an agency to get the most out your dating budget
  • Be sure to understand what your visitors intentions are on your website or on email open. If you are an promoting in a social setting this can be a great offer to choose to generate revenue. Maybe the source you are monetizing is a review site for a product or service. It would make sense to choose a dating offer here.
  • If your not sure what your traffic will be doing and are looking to monetize your website ask your Account Manager what offers are converting well for your specific niche. If its converting well, the offer is typically optimized to convert your visitors no matter what stage they are in their intentions.
  • Find out how many users are currently active on the dating platform and read some reviews about people’s experiences. Be sure to do this as your traffic definitely has an idea of what they are getting themselves into.
  • If the dating platform has some quality reviews, appears reputable but the payout isn’t as high as the others, you may still want to choose that offer. Typically, payout will decrease if they are getting a large quantity of singles that are registering organically. Since these people are joining organically, just make sure you are the one putting the offer in front of them when they go to join!
  • Make sure you understand what the conversion flow of the dating offer is. By understanding this, it will give you some unique advantages. You will know where to direct your visitors so that they complete the offer. Also, you will understand if its an easier dating offer or if there are other variables in place after the visitor fills in their information that you can’t control.
  • Our best tip for you is to make sure you are targeting singles 18+, no matter what the conversion flow is. We want you to succeed with these and this can be a simple KPI that people can forget.
dating offers